
지각생 연습장

VLS - 리눅스 스트리밍 (서버 관리) ref. http://www.videolan.org/streaming/ http://www.asp-linux.ru/LDP/REF/VideoLAN-Quickstart/VideoLAN-Quickstart-4.html


  1. rpm -ivh videolan-server-0.5.6-1.1.fc2.dag.i386.rpm

할때, 의존성 패키지들을 받아서 같이 설치 해 준다. dag 패키지 강추~


  1. vi /etc/videolan/vls/vls.cfg

BEGIN "Vls" LogFile = "vls.log" END

BEGIN "Groups" monitor = "help|browse|logout" master = "help|browse|start|show|resume|suspend|stop|shutdown|logout" END

BEGIN "Users"

  1. ** PERSONALIZE ** use the shell command "mkpasswd"
  2. to change the default passwords and copy-paste the result below

monitor = "3BcKWoiQn0vi6:monitor" # password is 'monitor' bozo = "JKg2TpPerilnw:master" # password is 'bozo' END

BEGIN "Telnet" LocalPort = "9999" Use = "true" END

BEGIN "Inputs" local1 = "local" END

BEGIN "local1"

  1. ** PERSONALIZE ** put the path to the configuration file input.cfg

ConfigPath = "/etc/videolan/vls" END

BEGIN "Channels" client1 = "network" END

BEGIN "client1" Type = "unicast" DstHost = "" DstPort = "1234" END

  1. vi /etc/videolan/vls/input.cfg

BEGIN "Input" FilesPath = "" ProgramCount = "1" END

BEGIN "1" Name = "presentation"

  1. ** PERSONALIZE ** write your own path below

FileName = "/media/stream/avril.mpg" Type = "Mpeg1-PS" END

  1. /usr/bin/vlsd
  2. telnet localhost 9999

-> ID: bozo, PASS: bozo bozo@vls>start presentation client1 local1 --loop bozo@vfs>stop local1 presentation번 CLIENT로 avril.mpg의 스트리밍 서비스가 시작 된다.번에 VLC 설치 해서, 네트워크 스트리밍을 열어 준다.

개인 도구